Did you know…
· Dementia is not a specific disease, but a general term for the impaired ability to think, remember, or make decisions that interferes with doing activities of daily living.

· There are over 400 different types of dementia, the most common being Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia.
· Although dementia mainly affects older people, it is not a normal part of aging.
· Worldwide, around 50 million people have dementia, and there are nearly 10 million new cases every year according to the World Health Organization.
· Individuals can reduce their risk of cognitive decline by making key lifestyle changes.
· Our Better Living for Your Brain (BLFYB) program is a group-based virtual program that is dedicated to providing education on brain function, the importance of brain health, lifestyle changes to maintain cognition function, and strategies for managing memory changes.
· The program is free and eligible for anyone over 65 years
· 100% of past participants in 2020 found they increased knowledge and awareness on brain health after taking the program
The next program starts April 5th, 2022. Click on the link to the right to register or email lfernandez@burlingtonfht.com for more information.
Mindful Moment
~Play with your senses~
Take a few deep breaths and explore one sense at a time:
-3 things you can see? (your hands, table, keyboard)
-3 things you can hear? (clock, noise outside room, wind)
-3 things you can smell? (lotion on hands, shampoo in hair, a drink)
-3 things you can taste? (a drink, gum, a cookie)
-3 things you can feel? (floor under your feet, chair under you, temperature on skin)
is a group-based virtual program that is dedicated to providing education on brain function, the importance of brain health, lifestyle changes to maintain cognition function, and strategies for managing memory changes.