As seasons are changing, it’s a great time to consider making your environment safer outside as well as inside your home.
Below are some great tips to consider:
· Lighting: Sunset is getting earlier, which means it gets darker outside sooner. Make sure to adjust outdoor light timers and paths/walkways are lit up well in order to see steps and walkways clearly.
· Check your shoes: Yearly, make sure to check the rubber on the back of your shoes for how well they will grip the ice/tile or anything smooth. Winter boots usually last one to three seasons and they become a hazard when they are worn out. Look at the underside of your shoe and see if the pattern is still present or worn away; patterns that are worn away are a sign that, if possible, a new pair may be needed. Additionally, as boots age, their outer soles harden which means they provide less traction.
· Use handrails when possible: At home, consider installing handrails if there are stairs at. your entrance. When out with someone that may need extra consideration, plan your route and try to use pathways that have handrails to give them extra support and balance while walking.
· Accessories: There are many accessories to help prevent falls outside like ice grip attachments for canes and shoes as well as specific shoes made for cold weather. If you can, try to invest in a good pair of boots, test them around your home, and make sure you feel comfortable walking in them before venturing out in the cold.
Interested in learning more?
Join Leanne, BFHT Occupational Therapist, as part of our Burlington Public Library Speaker Series, on October 26th, 2023 from 10:00-11:00am at the Burlington Central Library.
Learn about senior friendly equipment, including home and mobility aids. We will discuss some tips and tricks to help you stay safe in your home and outside.