Did you know:
Hot flashes are not the only symptom that can occur as one goes through the menopause transition.
Other common (and treatable) changes include:
· Increased risk of developing urinary incontinence
· Increase incidence of urinary tract infections
· Accelerated muscle loss
· Increase risk of stroke and heart attack (this risk is higher in women with early onset menopause)
· Thinning of the vulva and vaginal tissues which can contribute to pain with intercourse and skin soreness/ itchiness.
Dismissing these symptoms and saying “that’s just a part of menopause” can be dangerous. Recognizing these concerns and providing education on these changes, like any other medical condition, can help patients access the care they need.
To learn more on this topic, join Amanda, one of our Physiotherapists, for a virtual talk hosted by the Burlington Public Library on
Tuesday, July 26th from 6pm-7pm.
Visit https://attend.bpl.on.ca/events to register.